Akismet to Turnstile

I’ve always allowed comments on this blog, and even allow people to disagree. I rarely moderate comments except when they’re inappropriate. But one of the issues I have to deal with is comment spam. I moderated the comments by hand for well over a decade but it gradually turned into hours of work each week.

So, I installed Akismet. It costs $120/year to auto-filter spam. Well worth it. Well, recently I went over the limit–this site gets 14,000 spam checks per month. That puts me on the Enterprise plan, bringing the cost to at least $2,400/year. But I’m just one guy running a personal blog!

I have absolutely avoided captchas. I can’t imagine inflicting on visitors the pain of trying to identify the letters, find all the bicycles on rotating images, or solve a puzzle. Captcha’s have a real cost to humanity:

Wasting human capital is evil. I don’t want to be responsible for wasting 500 human years a day.

So I switched to Cloudflare Turnstile. It takes a different approach. Instead of filtering spam, it filters bots. Since most spammers are bots this works pretty well. First off–we have to ask when do I care that a visitor is a human vs a bot. I don’t care that a bot reads the content. That can be good. For the purposes of spam, I generally care to stop bots from entering comments. So there’s no degradation of experience at all to both bots and humans if they’re not leaving a comment–bots are welcome.

But as soon as you want to leave a comment, that’s a different story:

Scene from Star Wars Cantina where Droids were not allowed

Turnstile will run a few tests to see if you’re a human. If Turnstile can determine that you’re human behind the scenes, it’s not even going to make you solve a puzzle. No human capital wasted. You will see nothing at all and can just leave a comment. But if your IP address or behavior looks somewhat suspicious (more likely if you’re using a VPN or using TOR) then it will display a checkbox. Click the checkbox to prove you’re a human–which I think is very minimal cost to leave a comment.

After using Turnstile for a few months–it works really well and I’m going to keep it. Now I do think Akismet is better. Akisment blocks spam, Turnstile merely blocks bots. It so happens that most spam is from bots, but not all. Turnstile has let some non-automated spam through. 2 spam comments total were held in moderation out of 30,000. So I have a 0.000067% failure rate–I’m pretty sure they were left by a human. But to manually delete 2 spam comments every couple months I’ll take the $2,400!

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