2004-05-06 10:37:00

2004-05-06 10:37:00
Under the light of darkness

SHOGun Killer takes a look at the Shogun with a black light… He said a little corrosion on the battery and looks like something wrong with the compressor. …of course. |:-)

Its going to be a cold summer.

2004-04-21 11:12:00

2004-04-21 11:12:00
Looks like Killer-Server .Net upgraded to Gentoo Linux. Looks nice Killer. Backups are running fine, thanks for the headsup. Hope everything goes well for you in the next month as things start to get dicey.

2004-03-15 18:55:00

2004-03-15 18:55:00
Evil Exam Day.

My school has made it nearly impossible to schedule back-to-back classes. The result: Tomorrow I have four finals on the same day all two hours apart from each other.

2004-02-28 13:18:00

2004-02-28 13:18:00
Cell phones are evil

In response to the frequently asked question, this is Why I don’t have a cell phone

  • I don’t believe I should have to pay for incoming calls.
  • There is no “do not disturb” mode for cell phones. There should be such a feature that would allow a caller to disturb me only in an emergency but otherwise send him to voice mail. Cell phones should have an easy “dnd” switch.
  • Contracts are evil. I want month to month with the ability to swap providers and have my number transferred within minutes
  • Too high priced.
  • People would call me… being unavailable gives me time to think about things.

When the first four items are implemented in cell phones I may get one. But until then, send me an email.