2003-10-26 12:23:00

2003-10-26 12:23:00
IBC Updates:

  • James McDermith died of a heart attack while evacuating his home.
  • This morning during service a family who’s house burned down all became believers in Jesus Christ.
  • 10 members have last their homes
  • Some structures north of The homes in East Highlands Ranch right above the church are burning.

AKX Updates:

  • afaik the Mootharts are fine. We’re fine.
  • Jeff Yesensky has probably evacuated.

2003-10-26 12:00:00

2003-10-26 12:00:00
we were allowed back in our house this morning so i took a shower and went to church. …then in no time fire came down the mountain and started burning structures near East Highlands Ranch. Earlier I saw it jump and consume house after house and it looks close to happening there…our emergency shelter at IBC may have to be evacuated. The wind is currently blowing towards our house so I got Jon and Sarah and headed back…the sky is now raining hard pieces charcoal. The Citizen Patrol told me we may be evacuated again.

I got a call from Jeff Yesensky (by Cal State) about 8:30 this morning and he was getting ready to get out of his house.

2003-10-25 19:32:00

2003-10-25 19:32:00
Chopper flying over my house looking for water. They normally pump their tanks from water behind wal-mart.

Its especially dangerous because of winds, mountains, and low visibility. Here’s a helicopter dealing with Santa Ana’s. Its not uncommon for these birds to crash.

Just got a call from Steve who can see my place from the mountains, he says the fire looks pretty close to our house but the wind is blowing it away from us so we should be okay…then his cell connection died.

2003-10-10 07:46:00

2003-10-10 07:46:00
A student at Princeton revealed a flaw in the new MediaMax CD3 Copy-Prevention System. Being touted as “a verifiable and commendable level of security” the student found it can be bypassed it by pressing the SHIFT key while loading the CD. He briefly faced charges by the DMCA. Check out his Analysis of their security software.

2003-10-04 09:57:00

2003-10-04 09:57:00
Well well well, looks like VeriSign had to shutdown its sitefinder service after ICANN gave 36 hours notice to cut it off. Sitefinder was a “service” which redirects you to VeriSign’s website if you type in a non-existent domain. This was done by placing wildcard entries in the root DNS servers…which causes problems all across the board with security and anti-spamming software. Dealing with me I can say VeriSign has had a history of poor business, I particularly dislike their lack of security. But be light-hearted, they only control .com and .net ….org is still free for the elite.

2003-10-03 20:05:00

2003-10-03 20:05:00
Benjamin’s opinion on class action lawsuits

Class action lawuits are designed to make you think you benefit from them. You don’t. The only people that benefit are lawyers. The people who pay for the lawyers are the consumers. The consumer also must pay for the vouchers. That’s right. You pay for it all.