2003-08-31 21:49:00

2003-08-31 21:49:00
Our church has some of the most awesome Jr. Highers. Its evident God is preparing them for His glory and honor. Pray Jesus will continue working in their hearts. Pray for them to have boldness to overcome worldly and fleshly pleasures of life. Pray they will rebuke Satan.

2003-08-26 19:47:00

2003-08-26 19:47:00
Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trails, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.
James 1:2-4 NASB

2003-08-26 10:27:00

2003-08-26 10:27:00
Now I’m throwing away old, but perfectly good computers I would drool over in magazines six years ago. What a shame these things can’t be put to better use. Anyone want an MP3/Player/Doorstop?

2003-08-22 10:31:00

2003-08-22 10:31:00
Earth Liberation Front torches SUVs in West Covina
The eco-terroist group set fire and vandalized SUVs at the Hummer and Chevrolet auto-dealer.

There’s a lot more pollutants from the fire than the vehicles would pollute during their lifetime…— Genovese

Read the story at FOXNews.com

2003-08-21 22:43:00

2003-08-21 22:43:00

Moore Refuses to move Monument After Court Order

FOXNews.com reports that the Alabama Chief Justice has lost his fight to keep the Ten Commandments monument.

“The point is it’s not about violation of order, it’s about violation of my oath of office,” he told Fox News Wednesday. “And my oath of office to the Constitution requires an acknowledgment of God. It’s that simple.