2002-05-11 23:39:00

2002-05-11 23:39:00
Meredith and I had a blast at his house last night and this morning. From cooking, talking about life, and playing games…

 People who play games are more likely to succeed in life.

2002-03-23 01:27:00

2002-03-23 01:27:00
Jason and Meredith came over for my birthday! We ate out at Cucka’s, went to CompUSA, and rented a movie. At about 1:07 i manually set arp entries which will hopefully solve my networking problems…we’ll see anyway. 1 hour and 35 minutes until i can open ashley’s presents. oh, i have time to setup the APC unit! 

2002-01-14 10:47:00

2002-01-14 10:47:00
I have started to learn Greek. It is easier than I thought. With just a few hours I can read and write some words. I tried taking a powernap today…bad idea…i can feel every beat of my heart pumping blood through my brain…