2005-02-16 23:17:00


After nine months testing we are now offering FreeBSD VPS Hosting on the SAVVIS network.
Among the most difficulties was developing a way for in-Jail quota support (as far as I know we are the first to offer this on FreeBSD) without UID/GID conflicts with other jails. This was accomplished by creating a memory disk device (see man 8 mdconfig) for each jail and mounting them as partitions. See falconhosting.net

2005-02-13 00:58:00

2005-02-13 00:58:00
New Orleans Snow
Some pictures came in today, here’s Rachelle and I playing in the first Christmas day snow ever recorded in New Orleans.

[so… I lost the picture]

2005-01-11 14:01:00

2005-01-11 14:01:00
First Day of Classes
Well, here it is the first day of classes and the teacher didn’t show for the first one (snowed in I guess). So I’m getting some work done in the library using the old IBM 600E connected to the internet via Asus pocket wireless ap/adapter (in adapter mode now, I just wanted to see if it would work). …and yes I did get the shifter fixed.

2005-01-01 23:38:00

2005-01-01 23:38:00
Happy New Year!
The 6 month switchover completed on schedule. All data is off the Falcon so its ready to go down. Hosting is now completely California-free.

Take a look at Jon Clede’s new kidbritish.org for the new year! 4 days of Christmas left.