2004-08-25 20:22:00

2004-08-25 20:22:00
Cheney for Homosexual Marriage

“People ought to be free to enter into any kind of relationship they want to.” 
— Dick Cheney

Note that he uses the word “any” type of relationship… I want all my blog readers to pay special attention to the following because it will not stop there. After homesoxual marriage comes bestiality and pedophilic marriage. How about group sex? Why not give marriage benefits to a group of people that all want to have one marriage? After all, shouldn’t you be allowed to enter into “any kind of relationship [you] want to?” 

Latest developments at DrudgeReport

2004-08-25 20:02:00

2004-08-25 20:02:00

Airplane Down in Russia
One Russian airliner crashed and another is missing at about the same time. Read the latest developments at FOXNews.com
Update @ 21:10: Just in. The second plane that went missing activated its “hijacking” signal before going down. It has also crashed. 

2004-07-30 20:39:00

2004-07-30 20:39:00
Romans 8:28
A day of joy and excitement for some friends, but death for others. How I will miss my old Awana commander. Your family is in my prayers. Brave to the end. I salute you, sir.

2004-07-02 12:31:00

2004-07-02 12:31:00

TOLIGHT. I listen. I listen to cars, bikes, trams. I listen to peoples’ feet take steps on the ground. I stop and listen to voices. It is one voice I hear that surprises me. Then I hear another voice much like the first, but before it is finished I hear a third voice which echos the first two. The voices are saying they want freedom. Freedom from culture, from religion, from parents. They want to become mainstream, to live their own lives, to walk a different path than those who came before them. Please pray for these people, that they will find what can make them different. That their darkness will be replaced with light.