2005-04-20 01:43:00
Ubuntu Linux on the Acer Aspire 2000

The last few weeks I tried FreeBSD, Gentoo, Novell Desktop, Ubuntu, and MEPIS. FreeBSD surprisingly had the best out of the box hardware support except for ATI drivers. I use FreeBSD for just about all of my servers, but stuff took too long to compile and I wanted the 3D hardware acceleration. Novell failed the left-handed mouse test. MEPIS failed to even get past grub. Gentoo takes weeks to get all the hardware working. Ubuntu, took some getting used to, and has a long way to go. But I was so impressed that it detected most of my hardware and had it working with no configuration on my part that I decided to delve into it further. It is the only distribution that has been able to allow my mouse to work left-handed (buttons reversed) while not making the touchpad context-click when tapping. It has a lot of quirks but it by far was the easiest install I’ve ever had on my Acer Aspire 2000. If you’re interested read my How to install Ubuntu Linux on an Acer Aspire 2000. Your mileage may vary.