# wget http://download.crashplan.com/installs/solaris/install/CrashPlan/CrashPlan_3.5.3_Solaris.tar.gz # tar -zxmf CrashPlan_3.5.3_Solaris.tar.gz # mv CrashPlan /var/spool/pkg/ # cd /var/spool/pkg/ # pkgadd
Unfortunately, I got the error below:
## Executing checkinstall script. Reviewing Java installation Unable to execute Java in order to determine version. Try installing the package from /tmp pkgadd: ERROR: checkinstall script did not complete successfully Installation of <CrashPlan> failed. No changes were made to the system.
So I went to look at the checkinstall script…
# cd /var/spool/pkg/CrashPlan/install
I’m not entirely sure how I fixed it, I modified the checkinstall script to look for java in /usr/java/bin, but then ran pkgadd and the CrashPlan installer refused to run because it detected the file had been modified, so I undid my change and re-ran pkgadd and it worked…
# /usr/sbin/svccfg import /opt/sfw/crashplan/bin/crashplan.xml # /usr/sbin/svcadm enable crashplan
From there follow http://support.crashplan.com/doku.php/how_to/configure_a_headless_client
Or if you have a secure network you can set serviceHost in /opt/sfw/crashplan/conf from to and then on your client change the serviceHost in C:\Program Files\CrashPlan\conf\ui.properties to your OmniOS IP Address.
I also like to move my CrashPlan install and config onto the main pool where all my storage is… I had already created a dataset called /tank/crashplan:
# cd /opt/sfw # svcadm disable crashplan # mkdir -p /tank/crsahplan/opt/sfw # mv crashplan /tank/crashplan/opt/sfw/ # ln -s /tank/crashplan/opt/sfw/crashplan . # svcadm enable crashplan
On a side note my ZFS server CrashPlan backup passed the 1TB mark today!
Here’s a video…
Thanks, I have problems with connecting headless. I get “[ID 800047 auth.error] error: setsockopt TCP_NODELAY: Invalid argument”. Any advice?
For a more detailed description, please see: http://forums.servethehome.com/solaris-nexenta-openindiana-napp/2064-esxi-omnios-vm-problem-portforwarding-tcp_nodelay-invalid-argument.html
Hi, nle, I’m getting a 404 on the STH thread you linked to, I think I had the same problem with the port forwarding method on OpenIndiana so I didn’t even try on OmniOS. What I do is I change the serviceHost in /opt/sfw/crashplan/conf/my.service.xml to listen on instead of My servicePort is 4243 (I don’t remember if that’s the default or I set it). Then I modified the UI Properties file on the client (C:\Program Files\CrashPlan\conf\ui.properties) to set the serviceHost to OmniOS’s IP address and the servicePort to 4243. I wouldn’t expose that port over the internet but you could always use a VPN if you needed to configure a remote server.
Hi, and thanks for the reply. I figured it out, I actually did the same on NexentaCore.
New URL, hopefully it would work now: http://forums.servethehome.com/f26/esxi-omnios-vm-problem-portforwarding-tcp_nodelay-invalid-argument-2064.html
I’ll post my solution here anyways:
You can fix it by disabling ipv6 in the sshd, and here is what you do:
Modifiy: /lib/svc/method/sshd
Find the line “/usr/lib/ssh/sshd” and change it to “/usr/lib/ssh/sshd -4”
Then edit “/etc/ssh/sshd_config” and comment
out “ListenAddress ::” and uncomment “ListenAddress”
Execute “svcadm restart ssh” and you are good to go.
Thanks for the solution! So it probably would have worked if the tunnel was setup to use ipv6.
Thanks for the guide. However I got stuck at the same point with Java and no matter what I edit it would not work. Finally tried “/usr/sbin/pkgadd” instead of “pkgadd” and it worked fine.
Glad to hear you got it, thanks for posting your solution.
Any chance you can elaborate on how you got past the initial checkinstall error? I’ve tried pkgadd, and /usr/sbin/pkgadd and neither works. I get the exact same Unable to execute Java error shown above. I’ve tried installing older versions of Java to no avail as well.
Hi, ksimm. Open /var/spool/pkg/CrashPlan/install/checkinstall in vi, make a change to the file (add a space somewhere) save and exit, then open the file with vi again and remove the space you just added and save and exit. Then it should work. I’m not sure why this works but it does for me.
ksimm, I had the same problem, check in /bin, /usr/bin and /usr/local/bin of you have the java-file, and if you can execute fx /usr/bin/java -version .
In my case I could not, and I had no /usr/local/bin-folder, so I downloaded a new java (1.7), extracted and placed the files under /usr/local/bin, and the lib-files under /usr/local/lib. Worked just fine to run the pkgadd command after that.
Hi, I’m having troubles getting CrashPlan to install- could you elaborate on downloading the new Java and the steps you took to get CrashPlan to work?
Just wondering what OS you run on your G8? I recently purchased one to build as a Linux server and am having a few issues with the RAID
Great post regarding upgrading you processor!
Hi, Mark. I run VMware ESXi on the Microserver then run VMs on top of that. I have use the M1015 card instead of HP’s RAID. I’ll post details on my setup soon.
I assume that runs well because you upgraded the processor? My understanding is the original processor does not support hyper threading?
Hi, Mark. The G1610 that comes with the Microserver is very capable, Celeron processors are actually very good now days if you don’t need all the features like VMDirectIO and AES encryption. It is missing hyper-threading but that won’t make as large a difference as number of cores. There’s nothing in my current setup that wouldn’t run on the original processor that came with it… the main difference is speed and number of cores… but unless you’re running CPU intensive processes you could run quite a few VMs without needing to upgrade to an E3. I think the main limiter on this server is only a maximum of 16GB memory.
Hi Ben,
Did the internal RAID with ESXi or is that why you put a raid card in the unit?
I’m going to do as you suggested and run ESXi
Thanks, Mark
Hi, Mark. I use ZFS for RAID using Napp-It’s All in One documentation. http://www.napp-it.org/napp-it/all-in-one/index_en.html
Can you describe where you have put ESXi? Is it on a USB or HDD?
I’ve decided to do the same thing and will install ESXi. Mine has 16 gb ram so it should be ok.
Mark, I’m so sorry, I must have missed the alert on your comment. I put ESXi on a USB drive. I believe this is vmware’s recommendation for enterprise customers as well.
Hi, just wondering if there is any update on CrashPlan and OmniOS- both methods of editing the checkinstall file and using /usr/sbin were unsuccessful for me. Tried installing an old package of Oracle Java I found on the omnios package website but that didn’t work either.
Hi, John. If I have time this weekend I’ll install a new instance of OmniOS in a VM and see if I can get precise steps… but no promises.
That would be great- I ended up uninstalling the open source java attempt to roll back to an older version but in my frustration I uninstalled two other dependent packages so I hope I haven’t screwed up my system. No ill effects as yet.
Hi, John. I just did a video of the install, once I get it uploaded (may take awhile to upload on a Saturday, my internet is crawling) I’ll update the post to link to it. One thing I found while doing the video is that you have to be in this directory when running pkgadd, I’m wondering if my editing the file has nothing to do with it…
cd /var/spool/pkg/CrashPlan/install
Let me know if that works for you
Video finished uploading. http://youtu.be/LGiNf-eg4mA
Thanks so much for your efforts- I followed the Youtube video (enter from after OmniOS install) and still getting the same ‘Reviewing Java installation’ error. Interestingly it is a different line each time.
Not sure if I have screwed up my Java install, perhaps the change to OpenJRE in the new OmniOS has changed something for CrashPlan’s install.
A poster above mentioned updating to 1.7- will reply to that comment to get more info, thanks again.
Sorry couldn’t edit my previous reply- I did a /usr/bin/java -version and got the ‘ld.so.1: java: fatal: libjli.so: open failed: No such file or directory’ error so copied the missing libjli.so file as directed here- http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.os.omnios.general/1804 .
Tried installing CrashPlan again, now the error is recognising the Java install is OpenJDK rather than Sun JRE. Not sure how to solve that one.
You might have messed up your Java install. I did not have to install java at all as it comes with omnios… What version of omnios are you using? I used their LTS release… Not the latest stable.
I was having issues before mucking around with Java, but is possible.
I’m on the latest stable- may the problem. Not sure if I can jump across to LTS after setting up stable.
John: I’m also running the latest OmniOS Stable and had troubles with the install. Using Ben’s how-to as a starting point, I was able to install CrashPlan successfully using the Oracle JRE. I did this a few months ago and took some notes, which came in handy as I had to reinstall the OS and CrashPlan tonight. I thought I’d share since my notes others are still having problems: http://blog.bakuchiku.net/blog/2014/03/31/installing-crashplan-on-omnios/. I think you can get away with the system java (OpenJDK) by removing the version check, but I decided to stick with Oracle’s JRE. Hope my post helps, let me know if there are any problems with it.
Ben: Thanks for the how-to! It was just what I needed to get CrashPlan installed.
Keith’s guide finally got my crashplan installed properly. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for posting that, Keith! Your post should get everyone on OmniOS Stable up and running with CrashPlan.
I may have to reference your guide when the latest stable becomes LTS. |:-)
Hi Keith,
Thanks for your post and the guide- looks like you’ve solved it for most people.
Except me- still getting a ‘unable to execute Java’ after changing the checkinstall path (not getting to the step where you need to change the pkgmap- which I’m not sure how to do anyway).
First question though, I have a N54L- I presume that means I change the wget to jre-7u51-solaris-x64.tar.gz as it is 64bit?
Thanks for your help.
crashplan is retiring the solaris version: http://support.code42.com/Product_Lifecycle_Policy/Solaris_Platform_Retirement
Can you tell what the EOL date is?
No. Thats bad news!
I’m guessing they get massive amount of data from Solaris version users than other OS. We’re using it on our server on work (OmniOS), and this sucks. We currently have over 2 TB backed up.
I asked them about the end date, and this is their replies:
At this time, there is no additional support being provided for SOlaris in relation to CrashPlan 4.x and beyond. This means that current users using CrashPlan 3.x on Solaris would still be supported, but once we release CrashPlan 4.x, we will no longer be supporting Solaris beyond 3.x.
When 4.x is announced with a release date, I do believe that we will be notifying all Solaris users to the end of support for their platform.
I’d suggest following CrashPlan on Twitter for announcement dates for CrashPlan 4.x. Our Twitter can be found here: https://twitter.com/crashplan
I’m guessing I’m going to run another light VM with Linux just for Crashplan (except I guess CP need alot of memory when the data gets large enough).
well, it is not necessarily the end of the world. They will not support it, but that does not mean it will not work ;-)
I run plenty of ‘unsupported’ software in omnios already. So let us wait and see.
I asked the support specifically if the 3.x version would stop working when 4.x gets released, and they confirmed that was the case.
Maybe you could hack it together some way, but I want to be 100 % sure it works since it is critical that the offsite backup works.
I have an theory that CrashPlan is moving away from Java, and are going to create native clients for the OS that they support.