2002-11-23 21:16:00

2002-11-23 21:16:00
The one thing I do like about parties is the food. As you can see I ate healthy this time…

Josh, Jon, and I hung out in my room talking about random movies. We had a blast. After school gets we’re going to get together to watch Pi and the Patriot

2002-10-22 22:48:00

2002-10-22 22:48:00
surreal unconciousness
my last coherent thought was, what am i…i have to find out what i am…its important. i should be doing something important to save my life..who am i? there’s a bunch of white dots..i must be a white dot..what am i supposed to be doing? i started to panic (it was scary for a white speck) then everything went black. 

The thought before that was think, i got to think about what i’m thinking… ….oh …what was i thinking? i lost it! what was i thinking? what am i?