2004-11-26 01:24:00

2004-11-26 01:24:00
First shot at LISP


; beer.lisp
; Benjamin Bryan
; November 25, 2004 (midnight of course)
; This Program writes the lyrics to 99 bottles of beer on the wall.

(setf lyrics '((" bottles") (" of beer") (" on the wall ") (" take one down pass it around ")))

(defun bottles-of-beer (x)
  (princ x)
  (if (= x 1)
      (princ " bottle")
    (princ(first(first lyrics))))
  (princ(first(first(rest lyrics)))))

(defun display (x)
  (bottles-of-beer x)
  (princ(first(first(rest(rest lyrics)))))  (bottles-of-beer x)
  (princ(first(first(rest(rest(rest lyrics))))))
  (if (> x 1)
      (bottles-of-beer (- x 1))
    (princ "no more bottles of beer"))
  (princ(first(first(rest(rest lyrics))))))

(defun beer (x)
  (display x)
  (if (> x 1)
      (beer (- x 1))
    (format t "~%The End")))

(beer 99)

2004-11-04 04:12:00

2004-11-04 04:12:00
This quarter at CSUSB in a nutshell:

“Correlation does not mean causation.”
     Dr. Terry Hallet (Math 262, Stats)

“If the governator had his way you couldn’t afford an education.”
     Dr. Yasha Karant (CSCI 530, Data Comm)

“Therefore, you should be motivated.”
     Dr. Sung-Kyoo Huh (ACCT 212, Bus/Manag. Acct)

“The first rule about organizing a meeting: Donuts.”
     Dr. Richard Botting (CSCI 372, Comps in Orgs)

2004-10-31 22:19:00

2004-10-31 22:19:00
Toasted Palm
Well, the good old Handsring Visor finally died (for good this time…I think). Now bizzare characters show up when I put batteries in and the reset button doesn’t respond.

2004-10-18 20:07:00

2004-10-18 20:07:00
Searching MY files with Google

I installed Google’s new Desktop Desktop Search tool. It took less than five minutes to index my drive. A did a search for one of my classes, CSCI 372 and it searches the contents of the file! Very handy for people like me who don’t organize their files very well.