2003-06-03 15:41:00

2003-06-03 15:41:00
I have lost Niphredil. I did everything I could to save her but there was no way to avoid being hit. The insurance company said the damage is more than she is worth. She was worth more than that to me. |:-( 

1990 Ford Probe named Niphredil, 1989-2003. RIP.

2003-05-31 10:56:00

2003-05-31 10:56:00
“Linux is an unauthorized derivative of Unix and that legal liability for the use of Linux may extend to commercial users.” –exerpt from a letter Sco sent to 15,000 companies.

Sco is suing IBM ($1 billion lawsuit) for leaking Unix source code to Linux Developers, although this has been going on for weeks and Sco hasn’t provided a shred of evidence.

In the middle of all this, Novell has released a statement that THEY OWN the copyrights to Unix.

I believe the truth is, Sco is jealous of IBM because Sco is not making any money on Sco Unix (why would you want to pay several thousands on Sco Unix when you could get Linux for free?) …instead Sco is relying on lawsuits for revenue.

2003-05-22 17:29:00

2003-05-22 17:29:00
AT&T; has called consistently every evening for seven consecutive days despite requests to be taken off their list! I do not pay anything for my phone. Nothing. Just leave me alone. Much worse the telemarketers at AT&T; are not interested in purchasing my vintage floppy drives.

2003-05-17 10:19:00

2003-05-17 10:19:00

mk saw the matrix reloaded with me. i doubt very many people have the ability to notice this, but trinity roots a computer by using nmap (a favorite hacking/security tool) and an old ssh exploit. this is the first movie i’ve ever seen with a realistic hack. i would watch it again just to see that part a second time but unfortunatly the film contains too much sex to make it worthwhile.