2003-03-24 18:29:00

2003-03-24 18:29:00
I do not like Java. It seems to me to have the most ridiculous installation process. I have to go to Sun’s website, agree with an agreement, download the files..and AAAH! they changed the JDKs around so they’re incompatible with the Java patches I have and they don’t have the old version. …errr. All i hear is, “Java is the future!” “Learn Java” …bah. Java is the slowest buggiest language i’ve ever come across.

2003-03-23 15:12:00

2003-03-23 15:12:00
Its saddening to know so many of our men are killed by “friendly” fire. Its a cold hard reality of war. If only we could use public/key technology for instant friend or foe identification. 

2003-03-19 14:58:00

2003-03-19 14:58:00
The Torrey Honors program at Biola University forces their students to use MS Word for papers. This gives me an idea!

1. start university
2. write sloppy software
3. force students and teachers to buy software
4. ???
5. Profit!