2003-02-15 10:31:00

2003-02-15 10:31:00
How to seperate the wheat from the tares:
On Valentines Days. The true cold blooded coders, sys admins, and geeks will be at their consoles. …alone in the dark staring at monocrhome screen.

2003-02-03 22:02:00
Hey guys. ICQ is back. The headaches are gone with ICQ-Lite. No useless features, no ads. Available for almost every OS from Mac 68K to Palm OS

ICQ: 14955919

2003-01-30 22:50:00

2003-01-30 22:50:00
come on Kasparov. You can beat deep Junior. Although I admit there will come a day where machines will outwit the best minds. …that day hasn’t come yet. Kasparov will win. The human’s ability to train his mind infinitly is something no computer can match.

2003-01-29 07:57:00

2003-01-29 07:57:00
is shaving worth the time?

if it takes me 5 minutes a day to shave, tmes 365/year …hmm…lets say i live to be 80. So if I stop shaving I will have an extra 101 days! 

2003-01-19 20:40:00

2003-01-19 20:40:00
The RIAA wants to charge ISPs a fee for allowing users to download music.

If they do this then i think that would be justification for me to download music for free. I don’t currently download MP3’s that i don’t own because i consider it stealing. …but if my ISP is paying a fee (and in turn, i pay them so its really me paying the RIAA) then it would be morally right to download the music right? 

Basically, they are FORCING me to buy something that i wouldn’t have bought otherwise. This is an excellent marketing strategy!