2003-02-17 18:15:00

2003-02-17 18:15:00
Whoever opposes drilling for oil in Alaska because it might harm the endangered snow:

It just cost me $17.70 to gas up my Probe at the cheapest place using the lowest grade fuel.

$20 a week on gas!! what has ths world become! Do you know where the wildlife hang out in Alaska? They hang out by our oil pipes because they like the warmth we provide.

Thought to ponder: I wonder if by being financially limited to cheap gas people pollute more than they would be by buying a higher quality. …just a thought.

2003-02-15 10:31:00

2003-02-15 10:31:00
How to seperate the wheat from the tares:
On Valentines Days. The true cold blooded coders, sys admins, and geeks will be at their consoles. …alone in the dark staring at monocrhome screen.

2003-02-03 22:02:00
Hey guys. ICQ is back. The headaches are gone with ICQ-Lite. No useless features, no ads. Available for almost every OS from Mac 68K to Palm OS

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2003-01-30 22:50:00

2003-01-30 22:50:00
come on Kasparov. You can beat deep Junior. Although I admit there will come a day where machines will outwit the best minds. …that day hasn’t come yet. Kasparov will win. The human’s ability to train his mind infinitly is something no computer can match.

2003-01-29 07:57:00

2003-01-29 07:57:00
is shaving worth the time?

if it takes me 5 minutes a day to shave, tmes 365/year …hmm…lets say i live to be 80. So if I stop shaving I will have an extra 101 days!