7 Homelab Ideas | Why You Should Have A Homelab

Why You Should Have a Homelab In 1998 my friend Meredith gave me a RedHat Linux CD.  I spent hours each day experimenting with Linux–I loved it.  2 years later I’m in a room with 30 other students at a University applying for the same computer lab assistant job–I’m thinking my chances are grim.  Part-way … Read more

Automatic Ripping Machine | Headless | Blu-Ray/DVD/CD

The A.R.M. (Automatic Ripping Machine) detects the insertion of an optical disc, identifies the type of media, and autonomously performs the appropriate action: It runs on Linux, it’s completely headless and fully automatic requiring no interaction or manual input to complete its tasks (other than inserting the disk).  Once it completes a rip it ejects … Read more