TrueNAS Backup Strategy

I spent some time over Christmas break simplifying and reducing the cost of our cloud backups. I wrote about the 7 Backup Principals on the MacBook Backup Strategy post and the same applies here. My TrueNAS server consists of primarily SMB shares–videos, documents, files, old computer archives, and a webdav share which I use for … Read more

MacOS Backup Strategy

I simplified our backup strategy for our MacBooks. Here’s where I landed: 7 Backup Principles The most comprehensive yet essential list I’ve come across is the seven characteristics of a backup plan created by Ross Williams: I’m using two backup solutions: Time Machine Backup to TrueNAS (local) The MacBooks primarily backup to Apple Time Machine … Read more

Tracking HSA Transactions in Quicken

A couple of people have asked how I keep track of Health Savings Account (HSA) transactions; so here’s how I do it in Quicken. Quick summery of HSA Accounts: Health Savings Accounts are a way to save for health expenses if you have an HSA eligible (HDHP) health insurance plan. I always maximize our family’s … Read more

Akismet to Turnstile

I’ve always allowed comments on this blog, and even allow people to disagree. I rarely moderate comments except when they’re inappropriate. But one of the issues I have to deal with is comment spam. I moderated the comments by hand for well over a decade but it gradually turned into hours of work each week. … Read more

TrueNAS vs Proxmox Homelab

TrueNAS Scale and Proxmox VE are my two favorite appliances in my homelab. Overall, TrueNAS is primarily a NAS/SAN appliance, it excels at storage. It is the most widely deployed storage platform in the world. Proxmox on the other hand is a virtualization environment; so it is excellent at VM and software-defined networking. I agree … Read more