RHEL/CentOS, Debian, Fedora, Ubuntu & FreeBSD Comparison

Over the years I’ve used a number of Linux distributions (and FreeBSD), these are my top 5 and how I rank them: Desktop I’m not a big fan of Ubuntu’s Unity, so Ubuntu-Gnome, Kubuntu, Debian and Fedora are my top distros for desktop choices.  If you want the latest Gnome features Fedora gets them first.  For KDE I … Read more

Free SSL Certificates from StartCom

*** DEPRECATED StartCom no longer exists. Please see my newer SSL Certificate Guide Using Let’s Encrypt *** Here’s a quick tutorial on how to obtain and setup a certificate from StartCom. StartCom offers free personal certificates, these aren’t the fake certs where you have to setup your own CA and it only works when people … Read more