2004-07-30 08:42:00

2004-07-30 08:42:00
It’s SysAdmin Day!
Oh thank you White Mike. ::sniff:: You brought tears of joy to me eyes. |:_-) 

From: Michael Johnson <[censored]@domlev.us>
User-Agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.7.2
To: Benjamin Bryan <[censored]@b3n.org>
Subject: Happy SysAdmin Day

Happy SysAdmin day!

2004-07-26 18:51:00

2004-07-26 18:51:00
Update: Power restored. All services normal. Monitoring for abnormalities.

—- old report —-
We have experienced a power failure. Downtime imminent. See log for status:

~16:30. Power failure.

~17:20. Power failure reported to sysadmin (me).

~17:30. Non-critical servers powered down. Power saving status enabled. Connection tested: link good.

18:01. Primary UPS reports it can run for another 15 minutes. Re-routing all critical systems to Secondary UPS.

18:02. Secondary UPS overloads and fails without warning (The blasted Best Buy salesman told me it would work)!! All power re-routed to Primary UPS. Making procedure for blind shut-down.

18:06. Primary UPS is critical.

18:13. Primary UPS fails. Falcon goes down hard.

18:14. Silence…

18:35. Power LED activated. Systems booting. Checking disks. Power up success!

18:37. Link restored.

18:41. All services running.

Uptime Report: 230 days 23 hours and 8 minutes. Three days short of previous uptime record!! Arg!

2004-07-22 11:30:00

2004-07-22 11:30:00
Can you say it right?

Here are a few computer terms I hear mispronounced by professors and professionals: 

GIF – Macintosh artists typically say GIF with a hard g but the correct pronounciation is with a soft g like JIFF.

MySQL – Windows SQL admins commonly say MySequel. But the correct way to say MySQL is My ess que el.

PNG – just say ping

Linux – Many professors at csusb use a long i… “line-ix” …Linus Torvalds, the inventer uses a short i… “lennix.”

Gnome – often people forget the g. the correct pronounciation: guh-nome

2004-07-09 23:32:00

2004-07-09 23:32:00
SHO Log:

July 9, 2004
10:20: on way to gas station battery light comes on at stops. ..revved engine at 1K to compensate. after refueling car wouldn’t start. console blank. popped the hood, wiggled the battery cables, and she started right up.

10:50: picked up folks to see movie, battery light starts coming on at every stop so i rev the engine to keep the light off. …at the next stop SHO experiences random electronic failures: engine rpm tac stops updating, climate fans fail, climate control console goes blank, anti-lock brakes fail (but the anti-lock light is on) …upon acceleration everything came back on and restored to normal. this happens for the next three stop lights.

11:15: continuing on freeway no further problems experienced. upon freeway exit and stop battery light came on. compensated with rev. sometime after this point the problem ceases to persist.

23:20: SHO operates normally for the remainder of the day …even through horrible stop and go traffic on freeway but not a problem.


But I still love the sedan. No other car says, “drive me” like a SHO.

2004-07-06 16:13:00

2004-07-06 16:13:00
We have had a massive catostraphic failure in conjunction with an enormous configuration anomaly. Please bear with us as our backup systems (thank you Killer) are taking over. Everything should be back to normal within 30 hours.

2004-07-02 12:31:00

2004-07-02 12:31:00

TOLIGHT. I listen. I listen to cars, bikes, trams. I listen to peoples’ feet take steps on the ground. I stop and listen to voices. It is one voice I hear that surprises me. Then I hear another voice much like the first, but before it is finished I hear a third voice which echos the first two. The voices are saying they want freedom. Freedom from culture, from religion, from parents. They want to become mainstream, to live their own lives, to walk a different path than those who came before them. Please pray for these people, that they will find what can make them different. That their darkness will be replaced with light.