2004-09-20 22:46:00

2004-09-20 22:46:00
Random Tip From Ben
Do not microwave hamburger meat with the intent of defrosting. The microwave has an effect of making the meat impossible to stick back together into patties. I think I’ll stick to cooking bacon and eggs.

2004-09-16 02:51:00

2004-09-16 02:51:00

Ten Days of Bachelorhood
Only four more days to go without DSL then I’ll be back home. In retrospect:

Day 1: Wake up at 6:00 AM, go for jog, try to cook breakfast but can’t figure out how to light stove. Tried for a few minuutes in vain. …found out its electric (it was too early that morning). 

Day 3: Go to grocery store…walk up and down the aisles many many times looking for things. Get in longest line (as usual). Make Hamburgers with hamburger meat…. hamburger tastes horrible…and I should probably think of something to keep the pattie from disintegrating

Day 5: After raiding the fridge discovered worchestershire sauce. Hamburger tastes good this time but still can’t figure out how to keep grease from exploding all over the place making little dots in a three foot radius around the pan… lots of cleanup after hambugers. 

Stay tuned to see if Ben can master cooking hamburgers before his ten days are up… 

2004-07-09 23:32:00

2004-07-09 23:32:00
SHO Log:

July 9, 2004
10:20: on way to gas station battery light comes on at stops. ..revved engine at 1K to compensate. after refueling car wouldn’t start. console blank. popped the hood, wiggled the battery cables, and she started right up.

10:50: picked up folks to see movie, battery light starts coming on at every stop so i rev the engine to keep the light off. …at the next stop SHO experiences random electronic failures: engine rpm tac stops updating, climate fans fail, climate control console goes blank, anti-lock brakes fail (but the anti-lock light is on) …upon acceleration everything came back on and restored to normal. this happens for the next three stop lights.

11:15: continuing on freeway no further problems experienced. upon freeway exit and stop battery light came on. compensated with rev. sometime after this point the problem ceases to persist.

23:20: SHO operates normally for the remainder of the day …even through horrible stop and go traffic on freeway but not a problem.


But I still love the sedan. No other car says, “drive me” like a SHO.

2004-05-06 10:37:00

2004-05-06 10:37:00
Under the light of darkness

SHOGun Killer takes a look at the Shogun with a black light… He said a little corrosion on the battery and looks like something wrong with the compressor. …of course. |:-)

Its going to be a cold summer.

2004-03-15 18:55:00

2004-03-15 18:55:00
Evil Exam Day.

My school has made it nearly impossible to schedule back-to-back classes. The result: Tomorrow I have four finals on the same day all two hours apart from each other.

2004-01-26 15:47:00

2004-01-26 15:47:00
Ben Cooks Again

Another cooling failure. I had set the timer for 18 minutes and within 9 minutes I started smelling smoke. Guess you’re not supposed to cook corndogs at 500 degrees. Oh well.