2004-01-26 15:47:00

2004-01-26 15:47:00
Ben Cooks Again

Another cooling failure. I had set the timer for 18 minutes and within 9 minutes I started smelling smoke. Guess you’re not supposed to cook corndogs at 500 degrees. Oh well.

2004-01-24 16:22:00

2004-01-24 16:22:00
First ever strategy LAN-party meet.

Participants: Myself, Steve Baehr, and Jeff Yesensky.
18:00: …Steve’s computer had no ethernet card. Put in ethernet card. Steve’s computer wants Win98 cd for files. Download one file at a time from internet and transfer it via floppy to Steve’s computer then hit next to see what next file is…repeat many many times.
20:30: Windows 98 is evil. Get another computer from Jeff’s house and grab pizza on the way.
21:00: eat pizza
21:20: begin Starcraft deathmatch. Starcraft was a bast. The game lasted until after midnight.
01:00: begin Total Annihilation deathmatch. Game lasted until 4 in the morning.
04:30:Try Descent II. Doesn’t run under Windows XP too well so we abort and play Urban Terror.
06:00: Time for breakfast!
08:00: Fall asleep
12:30: Wakeup and Eat lunch.

2004-01-04 20:58:00

2004-01-04 20:58:00
From Louisiana Came I
Its good to be home. I flew to Monroe to visit Grandpa during Christmas. Then drove to New Orleans for New Years with Grandma Bee and Grandpops! I’m so blessed to have such a loving extended family.

Grandpa  on Scag next to Dad

Dad talking to Grandpa who is sitting on his new Scag in Calhoun. Check out the controls! It steers like a tank and is as responsive as video games.

2003-12-19 21:36:00

2003-12-19 21:36:00
First Christmas

Family in front of tree

We had our first Christmas today! From left to right: Jonathan, Noelle, Sarah, Bethany, and myself.

In other news Bob asked me about my handspring so I decided to try a soft reset and it works! Guess I won’t have to buy a new one after all! I’ll make this one last until the Tungsten C is down to $150.

2003-12-13 10:45:00

2003-12-13 10:45:00
Pigeons faster than net

Waitomo Adventures uses pigeons to transfer data…and they carry it faster than the internet. Story here. Unfortunatly packets can be lost during the falcons’ nesting season.

2003-12-10 08:01:00

2003-12-10 08:01:00

Hung in there awhile

My Handspring Delux Visor seems to have lost its ability to hotsync rendering it useless. Its about 3.5 years old. …it’s so sad to part with one of these. They’re incredibly useful, from downloading email to read later, taking notes, passing notes in class via IR, and generating OTP responses. Maybe this [dead link removed] will be its replacement.

2003-12-05 16:24:00

2003-12-05 16:24:00
Setting up the RedHat 9 mirror
After 4 hours of downloading rsync suddenly aborted:

write failed on os/i386/SRPMS/xemacs-21.4.12-6.src.rpm : Success
rsync error: error in file IO (code 11) at receiver.c(244)
rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (97979 bytes read so far)
rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at io.c(165)
[root@silly rsync]#
[root@silly rsync]#
[root@silly rsync]#
[root@silly rsync]# df -h /mirror
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/hdb1             6.0G  5.9G     0 100% /mirror

6 GB? …need bigger HD.