22182 Notes. Evernote to Apple Notes (Fail) to DEVONthink.

I’m looking for a scan of a blue note, and I simply can’t find it in Evernote. Evernote versions 4 and 5 were the prime of Evernote. Kris and I used it extensively as our document management system, document knowledge management, and notetaking application. It was a great way to organize things. Every note, every … Read more

How to Encrypt Your Email

So, you want to hide your email from the NSA’s prying eyes?  It’s impossible… but here are some steps you can use to make it harder. This isn’t theoretical.  The NSA has and does intercept this traffic. Common Points of NSA Interception The NSA has unlimited resources to compromise your communications.  You’re not going to stop … Read more

Intel DC S3500 vs S3700 as a ZIL SSD Device Benchmarks

I ran some benchmarks comparing the Intel DC S3500 vs the Intel DC S3700 when being used as a SLOG/ZIL (ZFS Intent Log).  Both SSDs are what Intel considers datacenter class and they are both very reasonably priced compared to some of the other enterprise class offerings. Update: 2014-09-14 — I’ve done newer benchmarks on … Read more

Free SSL Certificates from StartCom

*** DEPRECATED StartCom no longer exists. Please see my newer SSL Certificate Guide Using Let’s Encrypt *** Here’s a quick tutorial on how to obtain and setup a certificate from StartCom. StartCom offers free personal certificates, these aren’t the fake certs where you have to setup your own CA and it only works when people … Read more