Nearly five months later…

Finally finished my 189.7GB backup to Crashplan’s servers.  Started uploading on July 25th and completed on December 17th.  Didn’t notice too much of an internet slowdown thanks to Tomato’s QoS routing to prioritize traffic during the process. Outbound QoS rules  


This is a great example of someone recognizing something we all hate and making it better.  We all despise our thermostats.  And for good reason.  A simple task like changing the temperature shouldn’t be very confusing, but the thermostat designers have made it complicated. My first apartment had this Energy Star programmable thermostat.  I think … Read more

Quality of Service

Since moving to North Idaho our internet is slow, we’re regularly saturating our 1/2 Mbps upload doing cloud backups and uploading pictures and videos which can make gaming or web browsing painfully slow and unreliable.  I tried to get QoS (Quality of Service) working on DD-WRT but it can only have QoS rules based on … Read more

If you can’t handle email just send me a fax

On Sat, May 28, 2011 at 10:01 AM, Aetna Notification>>New Communication on Aetna Navigator®Dear BENJAMIN,You have a new communication to view on your secure Aetna Navigator® member website.  Click here to display your online communication.(snip useless info) *** On Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 10:43 PM, Benjamin Bryan>>Please send the contents … Read more

Brilliant Super Bowl Commercial from Motorola

Motorola’s genius marketing department hit Apple with a Super Bowl commercial. I think a lot of people wouldn’t understand what Motorola is inferring about Apple, so I’ll explain it. For reference, here’s some great commercials from Apple: Apple’s 1984 commercial… And Apple’s 1985 Super Bowl commercial… And Apple’s tribute to the crazy ones, the misfits, … Read more