Cloudways Managed WordPress Hosting

Save Time Managing WordPress Last week I moved from DigitalOcean to Cloudways Managed WordPress Hosting. Why? Well, there is nothing wrong with DigitalOcean, they’ve been fantastic. But my problem is I hardly had time to maintain the technology stack. A few weeks ago I was in the process of adding a couple of WordPress … Read more

My First 3D Printer! Ender 3 Pro

I’m not sure exactly how it started, it might have been when Eli and I were trying in vain to find Lego Technic sets with lots of gears, or when Kris was discussing with me purchasing learning aids for school. … and I started to realize we could 3D print this stuff! Just with the … Read more

I switched to Duplicati for Windows Backups and Restic for Linux Servers

So long, CrashPlan! After using it for 5 years, CrashPlan with less than a day notice decided to delete many of my files I had backed up. Once again, the deal got altered. Deleting files with no advanced notice is something I might expect from a totalitarian leader, but it isn’t acceptable for a backup … Read more

Running Chrony NTP under a VMware Guest

Here’s a quick guide to run an NTP (Network Time Protocol) server using Chrony with a GPS (optional) receiver on a VMware ESXi Guest running Ubuntu 18.04.  I should note this is experimental and something I setup in my homelab temporarily.  For production environments I would run NTP on physical hardware and not VMware. Create … Read more

Programming Management & Leadership Books

There are plenty of books on managing people; but there are few books targeting management of software development, and even fewer aimed at people who got promoted into leadership positions with no management skills.  I’ve read countless books looking for resources in that area…  I can find plenty of books about how to manipulate people or … Read more

Kindle vs Paper Books

I’ve been using a Kindle for about 6 years.  And have been reading paper books for longer than that!  I have two Kindles, one is the discontinued Kindle Touch, and the other is the newer Kindle Paperwhite.  Here are my thoughts on the Kindle and how eBooks compare to Print Books. The Kindle Reading Experience … Read more