AnyTone AT-D878UVII Plus Review | DMR Radio

This is the best DMR ham radio handheld transceiver (HT) on the market. It’s also the only HT I’ve come across that implements Bluetooth correctly. It’s not compact, but it’s also not overly bulky for what it does. Here’s my review of the AnyTone AT-D878UVII Plus by Bridgecom Systems. This is the latest model (released … Read more

Browsers & Search Engines | My Thoughts

So, I’m not one to boycott companies I disagree with, but it’s getting hard to use services where I’m more product than customer. And even more difficult when those companies put their opinions, political agenda, and iniquity in front of my face. Browsers and Search Engines these days are more about maximizing revenue than providing … Read more

Protecting Against Inflation

The hamburger to dollar ratio is getting smaller. While one can never know the future, it appears inflation is upon us. Here are some quick ideas to protect the number of future burgers you can purchase. How Not to Beat Inflation First, some things that won’t help. Whine about inflation. It’s sort of like the … Read more

Best Gigabit Routers

So, you are getting Gigabit Internet, and you need a faster router? Here are your best firewall/router options. With all the ISPs starting to roll out fiber many folks have asked which Firewall or Router to get for Gigabit Internet. Instead of answering the same question over and over, I made this post to link … Read more

2020 In Retrospect

On being focused I’ve been too scattered on tasks and projects and ongoing commitments. In 2020 I overcommitted (actually, in 2019, I overcommitted, which affected me in 2020) and found myself doing too many things and none of them well and not doing important things I needed to do but had no time for. By … Read more