Roe V. Wade Overturn | My Thoughts

When justice is done, it is a joy to the righteous but terror to evildoers. – Proverbs 21:15 ESV What a way to close out Pride month. I never thought the reversal of Roe V Wade possible. While we are not there yet, the right for babies to live is something towards which I strive. … Read more

Google Voice port to iPhone eSIM on US Mobile | Dual SIM

One casualty of Google Killing off Legacy GSuite is we risk losing our Google Voice phone numbers. I estimate I’d need to waste two weeks of vacation to spend on the phone updating my number with every contact, vendor, organization, and government agency. I think it would be best to not lose our phone numbers. … Read more

Gmail GSuite Legacy Alternatives

Update 2022-05-16: Google has relented (for now), you can use this self-transition link to see the option to stay on the no-cost Legacy G Suite. Google is killing off my free Gmail accounts. All of them. Sixteen years ago, I moved to Google Apps for your domain. Now it is known as GSuite and … Read more

Thanksgiving 2021

Monday before last, Kris tried to make hamburgers for lunch but couldn’t get the pellet grill to light. We decided to save hamburgers for dinner. In the afternoon, I had a small break between meetings, so Kris and I were out walking the dogs, and a freak storm came our way. We were walking through … Read more