TrueNAS Backup Strategy

I spent some time over Christmas break simplifying and reducing the cost of our cloud backups. I wrote about the 7 Backup Principals on the MacBook Backup Strategy post and the same applies here. My TrueNAS server consists of primarily SMB shares–videos, documents, files, old computer archives, and a webdav share which I use for … Read more

MacOS Backup Strategy

I simplified our backup strategy for our MacBooks. Here’s where I landed: 7 Backup Principles The most comprehensive yet essential list I’ve come across is the seven characteristics of a backup plan created by Ross Williams: I’m using two backup solutions: Time Machine Backup to TrueNAS (local) The MacBooks primarily backup to Apple Time Machine … Read more

TrueNAS vs Proxmox Homelab

TrueNAS Scale and Proxmox VE are my two favorite appliances in my homelab. Overall, TrueNAS is primarily a NAS/SAN appliance, it excels at storage. It is the most widely deployed storage platform in the world. Proxmox on the other hand is a virtualization environment; so it is excellent at VM and software-defined networking. I agree … Read more

StorJ | Rent your NAS Storage

I found a project called StorJ. With it, you can “be the cloud” by renting out your spare NAS or hard drive storage. The consumer side is Tardigrade which allows people to store their data. It seems to be targeted at people looking for a decentralized version of Amazon AWS S3. About Tardigrade A few … Read more

56TB Zpool Upgrade

My Proxmox server was at 85% capacity. The daily email from Proxmox reminded me of two drives throwing SMART errors. It was time to replace the array. I like to think hard drives can last 5-years so it’s best to proactively replace drives around that age before the failure rate starts to increase. I ask … Read more

7 Homelab Ideas | Why You Should Have A Homelab

Why You Should Have a Homelab In 1998 my friend Meredith gave me a RedHat Linux CD.  I spent hours each day experimenting with Linux–I loved it.  2 years later I’m in a room with 30 other students at a University applying for the same computer lab assistant job–I’m thinking my chances are grim.  Part-way … Read more

Benchmarking Guest on FreeNAS ZFS, bhyve and ESXi

FreeNAS 11 introduces a GUI for FreeBSD’s bhyve hypervisor.  This is a potential replacement for the ESXi + FreeNAS All-in-One “hyper-converged storage” design. Hardware Hardware is based on my Supermicro Microserver Build Xeon D-1518 (4 physical cores, 8 threads) @ 2.2GHz 16GB DDR4 ECC memory 4 x 2TB HGST RAID-Z, 100GB Intel DC S3700s for … Read more

ZFS Dataset Hierarchy | Data Hoarder Edition

ZFS is flexible and will let you name and organize datasets however you choose–but before you start building datasets there’s some ways to make management easier in the long term.  I’ve found the following convention works well for me.  It’s not “the” way by any means, but I hope you will find it helpful, I … Read more