OpenDNS, CleanBrowsing, and for Families | DNS Content Filtering

What is DNS Content Filtering? A DNS Based Content Filtering service can prevent certain websites from loading on your network.  Most services can filter by specific categories like malware, phishing, pornography, etc.  Unlike some content filtering that can introduce security risks, DNS filtering does not intercept traffic between you and the website you’re visiting.  It … Read more

MobaXterm Professional Review

I recently switched to MobaXterm Professional from PuTTY.  And I’m not looking back… A PuTTY Alternative I had just re-installed Windows 10 to fix an updating issue.  As I was downloading PuTTY I thought: there has got to be something better than PuTTY.   PuTTY is a good program, but it doesn’t do four things for … Read more

Eli’s First Gun | Daisy Buck

I bought Eli his first gun, a Daisy Buck Model 105. It is very similar in function to lever action rifles (lever action works the same, cross-bolt safety is the same) so it’s a great starter gun to teach proper firearm handling and safety.    It was $18 at Walmart but has quality where it counts.  … Read more

Practical Fountain Pens

“These scissors don’t work, can you pass me yours?  Thanks.   Hmm… these don’t work either.  Did they work for you?  They did?!  How did you get them to work!”  It is embarrassing to be the only kid in class who doesn’t know how to use scissors.  Although it was odd that these scissors didn’t … Read more

The Mechanical Keyboard

What Is a Rubber Dome Keyboard? Take a look at your keyboard.  Push a few of the keys.  It probably feels mushy, and it’s most likely a rubber-dome keyboard.  These weren’t made for typing, they were made to be cheap.  You have this dome of rubber that the key sits on, as you press the key feels … Read more

Merry Christmas 2017

Merry Christmas! In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men. … Read more

500th Reformation Day

  Happy 500th Reformation Day!  The Reformation did not begin with Luther.  Rather it can be traced back as far as 1200 A.D. with Peter Waldo (who was forced to live in hiding), then John Wycliff (labeled a heretic), and John Hus (who was burned at the stake).  All these men realized the Roman Catholic Church … Read more